Category Archives: History

T-Rump Resigns From Screen Actors Guild Before They Could Fire Him: His Film Roles Playing Himself — An Asshole

February 5, 2021

In the wake of a full news cycle yesterday, I overlooked one item regarding the T-Rump, or maybe it wasn’t displayed prominently enough with all the Q-related shit in the way, but the matter was…

House Impeachment Managers Want T-Rump To Testify At Trial (UPDATE: T-Rump Refuses)

February 4, 2021

UPDATE: Not surprising: Rapid return of a mostly non-starter — via CNN this afternoon: Trump’s lawyers quickly responded to Raskin’s request on Thursday, writing back in a three-paragraph letter, saying the request was a sign…

Congressional Staffers Plead For Senate To Convict T-Rump, ‘And Bar Him From Ever Holding Office Again,’ All Due To The ‘Big Lie’

February 3, 2021

In the US right now, folks of a certain age have witnessed two major real-time events which shifted national action and discourse — the first was Sept.11, 2001, and the Twin Towers. The second just…

Dumbest Comment In Maybe Forever — Snowstorm Can Hamper Reading The News!

February 3, 2021

I just couldn’t help myself, but make a call-out to the way-most inarticulate and on-its-face foolish reply from an elected official in an era of insanity in said elected officials. And it’s kind of personal…

Krugman On Whether Biden Should Okay GOP COVID Package: ‘No, No, 1.9 Trillion Times No’

February 1, 2021

America is at a nasty precipice, and whether we go over and down, or turn and walk smartly to the nearest bridge-crossing will be known in the next few days, if not sooner. We’re not…

‘Lack Consideration For Others” Fuels Right-Wing Nut-Jobs

January 31, 2021

A major concern for this country in the immediate-short future is the cuckoo-for-Cocoa Puffs stain found in public discourse, coming full-bore from Republican mouths and anuses (correct spelling) with very little stop-gap time between lies,…

Biden: COVID Vaccine Program Inherited From T-Rump ‘In Worse Shape Than We Anticipated Or Expected’

January 30, 2021

Circumstances so far in 2021 appear to make this less-than-a-month year a ratcheting-up squel to 2020, though, with a way-different hand at the national helm there’s some sure footing at least for a while. Still,…