Category Archives: History

Proposed Reefer Reclassification Could Open Even-Further Research Into Weed’s Actual Medical Benefits

April 30, 2024

Crystal-clear skies empowering still-brighter sunshine this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley. Off the normal topics of shitty T-Rump-related news — his ‘hush money‘ criminal trial numbed the senses today again in NYC; he…

Fire And Farts — T-Rump In New York

April 19, 2024

Terrifying shit for a noonish Friday — news dump literally. A couple of items off the T-Rump’s fourth day in New York on that ‘hush money‘/financial campaign-fraud case, one a terrifying outside-the-courtroom incident: Strange, more-than-meets-the-eye…

March Hottest Ever — 10th Month In A Row Of Record Global Temperatures

April 9, 2024

Crystal-clear, blue skies, and sharp, clean sunshine this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley. And warm temps, too — highs in the mid-to-upper 70s with a cool, nice-feeling breeze. Of itself a gorgeous time.…