Category Archives: Madness

Nuclear Codes And ‘Unusually Small Hands’

November 27, 2020

Cool and clear this early-evening Friday here in California’s Central Valley, and my sense right now feels a bit like a way-dark comedy seething with measurable trepidation — an unhinged monster is calling the shots…

Lights Out! And We Get Scary Dark

June 1, 2020

Overcast and mostly quiet this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley. Seemingly, with every day an acceleration of a shitty ride further into calamity. And today no exception: Hysteria over this is natural, but…

T-Rump: ‘I tested very positively in another sense this morning’

May 21, 2020

Early-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad with a gentle, cool breeze which keeps the air pleasant and comfortable. We can feel the summer coming, though. Forecast for the next 90…

‘Trump Death Clock’

May 8, 2020

We’re in an era of ‘you can’t make this shit up,’ shit: Background via the Guardian‘s live blog this morning: The Trump Death Clock, the real-time tracker that seeks to put a figure on the…