Day turns Dark
August 12, 2014Does bad news get worse? Sometimes, and lately, a lot: “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human…
Does bad news get worse? Sometimes, and lately, a lot: “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human…
Fog and silence this early Friday on California’s north coast and we finally have the weekend staring us in the face. Weather is typical summer here — fog in the morning, sunshine and wind in…
Clear and more on the warm side this early Thursday on California’s north coast, and from here, the weekend is just hours away. Or words to that effect. Despite another double-tornado incident, this time in…
Ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast — just a little while ago, the sky was clear and a full, bright moon hung like a porthole high in the southern sky. And for…
(Illustration: Police escort children away from Sandy Hook Elementary School, December 2012, found here. And a shooting Tuesday at a high school in Oregon was the 74th such event since then). This is one freaked-out-crazy…
High overcast and cool this early Monday on California’s north coast — time is a speeding asshole because it feels in reality like it should still be Friday afternoon. Reality in this crazed age is…
High overcast and a little on the chilled side this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — halfway through the work week and the sailing is choppy. The grind of daily life does get tedious.…
Overcast and warm this too-early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend now becomes just another episode of history. Weather-wise, however, we’re in for some neat times this week — forecast to be in…
Clear and chilly this early Friday on California’s north coast — the skies are twinkling with stars and a fat-sliver of the moon hangs quietly out over the Pacific. We’re supposed to have sunshine and…
Dark this early Friday — Duh! And high overcast with a chilled breeze on California’s north coast as we’re only hours away from a weekend. Sitting here at the laptop in these pre-dawn hours is…