Time Thoughts
March 2, 2014Low-overcast, damp and gloomy this early Sunday on California’s north coast — time cracks quickly into a new month, and asshole Santa Claus is fading further back yonder. As I sit here in relative comfort,…
Low-overcast, damp and gloomy this early Sunday on California’s north coast — time cracks quickly into a new month, and asshole Santa Claus is fading further back yonder. As I sit here in relative comfort,…
Rainy and warm this early Thursday on California’s north coast, another segment on winter 2014. And the word, ‘warm,’ is a major factor here — at 4 in the freakin’ morning, it’s near 55 degrees,…
In light of yet another shooting yesterday at the Columbia Mall in Maryland and the intense, accelerated pace in which these horrific events operate — earlier this month, a study on “active shootings in public…
A pleasant surprise this afternoon at my local Union 76 station — regular is at $3.69 a gallon, down six cents in three weeks, the last time I put gas in the Jeep. Despite a…
Monday again and there ain’t much I can do about it — chilly and a bit overcast this morning on California’s north coast with a near-full moon (Waxing Gibbous, 99 percent illuminated) hanging majestically out…
(Illustration: Children escorted away from Sandy Hook Elementary School, Dec. 14, 2012, found here). A lot of coverage today on the anniversary of the Newtown, Connecticut, “shooting” — now a near-normal word for any type…
Clear and really-cold this early Wednesday here on California’s north coast with the air getting colder the closer to dawn. Away from the ocean and into the interior, temperatures could drop into the single digits, but…
Cold and overcast this Wednesday afternoon — the north coast of California gray with an occasional dull-sparkle of sunshine. Not too-bad a day, though. News-wise, a pretty mundane day, at least on the crisis side…
(Illustration: Vincent van Gogh’s ‘The State Lottery Office’ found here). Yesterday, just before I was about to leave work — I manage a liquor store — this clueless dip-shit comes in and upsets the whole…
Clear and chilly this Friday morning here on California’s north coast — and, did I mention it’s FRIDAY! Time does travel fairly fast it seems, feels like this time a week ago. The World Meteorological…