News PM Punch — ‘The Missing Bullet’
November 15, 2013Sunshine with foggy vapors in the air this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast as we flip right into the weekend. And now is the time for no talking to nobody. As a worker in…
Sunshine with foggy vapors in the air this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast as we flip right into the weekend. And now is the time for no talking to nobody. As a worker in…
Sunshine and wispy clouds this Thursday afternoon on California’s north coast — though, there’s some ominous-darkly, thunderhead-looking clouds to the east over the mountains, us folks next to the ocean are experiencing a nice little…
High overcast again this early Thursday on California’s north coast and real still and quiet, too. We’re now at the vantage point where the weekend can be seen with the naked eye. And speaking of…
Thick ground fog and a touch on the chilled side this Wednesday mid-afternoon on California’s north coast — fairly normal conditions for this area, though, normal being way-relative nowadays. In that particular, special aptitude, the…
High overcast and quiet this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — the Pacific Ocean, less than two miles away, is just a whisper in the air. Yesterday morning, though, the coastline was roaring like…
Wet and gray this particular Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — sunshine briefly brightens every-once-in-a-while, but mostly thin, wispy rain alternating with low fog. Yet, with temperatures in the 60s, and not much wind,…
Raining this early Tuesday on California’s north coast and the world looks a bit gray in the darkness. Daylight won’t help. Beyond typhoons, gun violence or torching a doobie at the MTV awards, the planet…
Snoop-dogs ain’t no tiny wieners — in the Guardian yesterday: But the documents reveal, too, the darker side of the NSA. It is indiscriminate in the information it is collecting. Nothing appears to be too small…
Early Sunday and falling back on time. Actually, I’m still an hour ahead, but at my leisure sometime this morning will set life right, clock-wise anyway. The laptop, though, is already set in reality. Day…
In less than six short months, out has popped a storyline that just still won’t go away — America’s big spy agency is shown to be a cankered sore on a near-day-to-day basis. Now, the…