October 26, 2010Torture is oldie-goldie rock music — after nearly 40 years, enough is enough of Pink Floyd. (Illustration found here). In all the documents dumped on the world’s people from WikiLeaks these past few months the…
Torture is oldie-goldie rock music — after nearly 40 years, enough is enough of Pink Floyd. (Illustration found here). In all the documents dumped on the world’s people from WikiLeaks these past few months the…
In the release by WikiLeaks of its batch of Iraq war logs Friday, and a quick, rapid look-see, the biggest sense is of frustration, and a tightening of the conscience, in the horror and misery…
One of the great bad boys of history, Osama bin Laden, is reportedly living in a house in northwest Pakistan, hanging with his chief lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in relative comfort, and apparently still calling the…
One of the key ingredients that formed the great “American Dream” was having your own home — king of the castle/manor/vast holdings. So it was for years and years: Hard work, thrift and owning your…
In a tanking US economy, finally a glimmer of an unusual sort. From CBS: The National Crime Victimization study, released Wednesday by the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, showed violent and property crime last…
Fear is a soft sounding word, nothing scary about it, at least until some circumstance is attached. Last week, my first post on fear concerned the quiet, unassuming fright in the storing of mega-dangerous spent nuclear…
Not! A new Gallup poll indicates a majority of US peoples don’t trust the mass media — Trust in the media is now slightly higher than the record-low trust in the legislative branch but lower…
Once again, and I couldn’t help, another post on Bob Woodward and the state of journalism as it covers national politics and war. As a nit-wit young reporter, in the original viewing of “All the…
UPDATE BELOW The hard life of a modern journalist. (Illustration found here). In 1976, when the movie, “All the President’s Men,” was released, I’d been on the job about 18 months as a police reporter…
Odd is history. What little of history I’ve seen, one truism for sure is that history does repeat itself — what comes around goes around. People who’ve had a strong hand in developing parts-and-parcel the…