News PM Punch
November 18, 2013Cold and windy this Monday afternoon, and though we’re forecast for rain to arrive anytime now, the weather-ambiance this near the coast leaves calling the shots up in the air — thunderstorms are predicted for…
Cold and windy this Monday afternoon, and though we’re forecast for rain to arrive anytime now, the weather-ambiance this near the coast leaves calling the shots up in the air — thunderstorms are predicted for…
Sunshine and wispy clouds this Thursday afternoon on California’s north coast — though, there’s some ominous-darkly, thunderhead-looking clouds to the east over the mountains, us folks next to the ocean are experiencing a nice little…
Thick ground fog and a touch on the chilled side this Wednesday mid-afternoon on California’s north coast — fairly normal conditions for this area, though, normal being way-relative nowadays. In that particular, special aptitude, the…
A little afternoon news look-see. If I can get the physical moxie in the PM, this could be a regular feature, maybe. A news junkie from way back, I hit a lot online news sites…
Personally, I’m pretty-much sick and tired of the fuckin’ public. As manager of a liquor store, I’ve seen just about every kind of asshole, listened to way-too many deplorably-sad stories, and encountered a general mass of people…