‘Inadvertently’ Overheard
June 21, 2013Overcast and a bit warm this Friday morning as we head into another weekend — time flies when given time. Today, of course, is the first day of summer — the Summer Solstice — and…
Overcast and a bit warm this Friday morning as we head into another weekend — time flies when given time. Today, of course, is the first day of summer — the Summer Solstice — and…
Seemingly clear skies this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, but I can’t see any twinkling stars — must be a way-high overcast way-up yonder somewhere. Well, this is Humboldt County, we’re higher than the…
Foggy and a bit on the drizzly side this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — we’ve a 30 percent chance for more rain today, but the sun will peek out sometime later, somehow it…
(Illustration found here). A kind of shaker coming in the wake of the NSA/Internet/surveillance weirdness is the news today of someone pulling off a “sophisticated” hack late last year of CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s…
High overcast with a slightly-chilled wind this way-early Monday as we carrom into another new work week, leaving behind the rat-tailed dump of private-first-class droppings — or what’s now called, ‘Boundless Informant.’ Apparently, there’s no…
A little overcast, and a bit more chilly this Sunday morning on California’s north coast, and already I’ve been drinking in enough InterWeb-shit on leaking bad stuff and whistleblowers in general, making the pointing out…
High overcast again this early Thursday on California’s north coast and life continues impeded by all kinds of nefarious workings unseen for the most part — or heard. This morning, the InterWebs are chunked-full of…
Another Saturday, another week gone-on-down the road. These past days, though, have been one for the so-called books; a near-literary, five part mini series starting Monday and ending yesterday, tied together by one crazy, weirdly-related,…
Fog-in planet this Wednesday morning up here along California’s north coast, and in extremes, mirrors the horrible, sad fixation of mankind with war. War and whores have been around a long time — which one…
Thin ground fog and still a bit on the warm side for February along California’s northern coast, but still way-better than a lot of other spots on this fragile earth. On Tuesday night, President Obama…