Corrupted Culture
February 18, 2009Corruption rot spawned from lies. The entire Iraqi misadventure is a horror-shame of an affair. From UK’s The Independent on Monday: In what could turn out to be the greatest fraud in US history, American…
Corruption rot spawned from lies. The entire Iraqi misadventure is a horror-shame of an affair. From UK’s The Independent on Monday: In what could turn out to be the greatest fraud in US history, American…
The future is still here — “the first time a combat vehicle has used a laser to shoot down a UAV.” (Illustration of General Atomics Predator UAV found here). This morning another report of yet…
One thing is certain in history: Weapons of war have become more advanced as a civilization seemingly progresses, always and continually getting more bang for the buck, and in turn, becoming less humane, more indiscriminate…
Another nail in the coffin of the earth. Climate change offered by human-induced CO2 discharges are literally sucking the life out of our oceans. (Illustration found here). In a report issued today, the horror of…
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, would any leader react like George Jr., coming forth with incoherent strategy and bluster, only to create a far more disastrous conditional aftermath? History does have a fond way…
See a list thrown up there in wide-open spaces. Think Progress has an incredible serial-names roll call of Decider George’s minions — caretakers as in Sarah Palin — during the past eight gruesome years. Read…
Another brick in the wall. The DOD’s IG says the DOD did nothing illegal in the DOD’s TV news military analysts program: But in the new report, the inspector general’s office, noting the absence of…
Even an after-thought already. Decider George’s farewell fiasco was eclipsed in the news cycle today by the Airbus doing a hard belly-flop in the Hudson River — and furthermore, a “miracle,” as everybody on board…
Late this afternoon here in northern California — early evening back on the right coast — Decider George will bid his not-so-absolute farewell to a beleaguered nation, a crowd of US peoples itching for his…
As the Gaza situation continues, even in the face of international outcries and the top U.N. human rights official calling for a war crimes investigation, the real-deal hand in all this, Iran, is being cool.…