Turnkey Turkey
November 28, 2013High haze in the air this way-early Thursday on California’s north coast, a misty-fingernail of a moon is imprinted in the east on a dark background with few stars seen twinkling in the sky. Turkey…
High haze in the air this way-early Thursday on California’s north coast, a misty-fingernail of a moon is imprinted in the east on a dark background with few stars seen twinkling in the sky. Turkey…
High-wispy clouds with a semi-clear sky this early Wednesday on California’s north coast with the moon hanging like a chewed fingernail far to the east. The day before Turkey Day and all is quiet —…
Crystal clear with bit of a chilled breeze this Thursday afternoon on California’s north coast — not a wisp of a cloud in sight. Typical day for these parts, bright sunshine with a little bite…
Clear and cold this way-early Thursday on California’s north coast, and we can near-about see the weekend from here. Still not close enough, though, to reach out and touch. As the the UN climate talks…
Overcast and gray this afternoon on California’s north coast, but the outside feels warm, almost an ironic-balmy for around here — temperatures in the mid 60s, a wind whispering from the north, totally-not unpleasant. A…
Sunshine with foggy vapors in the air this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast as we flip right into the weekend. And now is the time for no talking to nobody. As a worker in…
Thick ground fog and a touch on the chilled side this Wednesday mid-afternoon on California’s north coast — fairly normal conditions for this area, though, normal being way-relative nowadays. In that particular, special aptitude, the…
High overcast and quiet this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — the Pacific Ocean, less than two miles away, is just a whisper in the air. Yesterday morning, though, the coastline was roaring like…
Wet and gray this particular Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — sunshine briefly brightens every-once-in-a-while, but mostly thin, wispy rain alternating with low fog. Yet, with temperatures in the 60s, and not much wind,…
Clear, but cold and chilly this way-too-early Monday here on California’s north coast — the weather is pointing in the right direction. Winter’s on the way, or something else, more weird. An environment that’s changing…