Tag Archives: California drought

‘Pineapple Express’ To Drench California — Albeit Drought Resistant, However

October 23, 2021

Overcast this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, a set-up for the massive rainstorms coming tomorrow and lasting through Monday — an early-in-the-season ‘atmospheric river‘ is expected to dump 1.5-to-2-inches of rain on us…

Wildfire Smoke Aids Spread Of COVID — What Next?

August 27, 2021

A faded-thin Mars ambiance to our environment again this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley, an unwelcome aspect after a few days of near-normal weather of bright sunshine and clear-blue skies — now life…

Climate-Change Flooding — Tennessee, Europe, All Over

August 23, 2021

Warm and near-comfortable this Monday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley as climate’s weather plays games. The dry-red air present the last few days from the state’s wildfires has lessened a good bit and the…

Fire And Drought — Air Like Mars

August 19, 2021

A brownish, dystopian environmental ambiance this Thursday morning in California’s Central Valley as apparently the wildfires rampaging statewide is worsening human/animal sight and breathing conditions. I took my daughter’s basset hound/greyhound mix, Leroy, for our…

‘Heat Dome’ Weather Afresh!

August 11, 2021

Heavy-heat again this Wednesday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, though, we’re not sweltering alone — seemingly the whole freaking world is boiling. The Pacific Northwest and BC Canada are catching the top-crust warmth with…

Gulf Stream, A Way-Strong Climate Influence, Could Be Close, Maybe Near A ‘Tipping Point’ — Bad News For Everywhere

August 5, 2021

(Illustration found here). Another rocking bit of climate-change science today and it’s not about drought, flooding, or mega-heat waves, but an entity that could make those things even worse — the operation of the Atlantic…

‘Climate Change Is Here, It’s Real And It’s Like A Hammer Hitting Us In The Head’

July 25, 2021

Overcast a bit this Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, yet still hot as shit — just at the century mark temperature-wise right now, which maybe/hopefully will be the high for the day and…

Wildfires, Smoke And COVID

July 23, 2021

(Illustration  Statue of Liberty and a part of New York harbor a couple of days ago — image found here). Near-clear skies and getting warmer this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re…

Weather Disasters Worldwide: ‘We Need To Get Really Serious About Climate Change’

July 17, 2021

Weather and its ascribed consequences continue to hold sway this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, we’re heavy-hot as we’re forecast for another ‘mega-heat-wave’ type-roll for the next few days, but happily not all…