Tag Archives: Donald Trump

T-Rump Followers Not Only Full Of Shit, But ‘Rational Ignorance’

January 2, 2021

Second day in, and we’re still living a way-terrible fairy tale: And yes, I’m also ‘gobsmacked’ and even more perplexed how any human being could even consider the value of the T-Rump, a guy without…

T-Rump And Self: ‘He Is A Prototypical Narcissist’ — Textbook Variety

January 1, 2021

In light of the horrors of the T-Rump, one bulwark-bookmark is his most obvious narcissism (Mayo Clinic): ‘Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which…

T-Rump Not A Rose: ‘I want to do what Mexico does. They don’t give you a test till you get to the emergency room and you’re vomiting’

December 31, 2020

Fading sunshine outside this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, the end of 2020 now just a few hours away. In the backyard, all quiet (Merced city traffic in the distance, the exception) but…

COVID Vaccine Roll-Out A Big Bust — Biden Explains: ‘It’s Going To Take A Vast New Effort That’s Not Yet Underway’

December 30, 2020

As this way-horrible time-frame of 2020 grinds down to mere hours, the pandemic will soon touch upon a full year of rampage in the US (The New England Journal of Medicine): On January 19, 2020,…

COVID Vaccine Manufacturer ‘Disappointed By Lack Of Response’ From T-Rump Administration

December 29, 2020

As COVID-19 cntinues to surge apparently unabated, this morning Vice President-elect Kamala Harris received a vaccine dose while pleading for all Americans to get inoculated, rightfully: “Literally this is about saving lives.” She’s way-correct, but…