Long ago yesterday
March 29, 2013Nearly clear skies this early Friday, though, more rain is expected for us up here along California’s north coast, and it’s a bit chilly outside, too. One anniversary yesterday was nearly forgotten by most of…
Nearly clear skies this early Friday, though, more rain is expected for us up here along California’s north coast, and it’s a bit chilly outside, too. One anniversary yesterday was nearly forgotten by most of…
High overcast this early Thursday morning, the odd-shaped moon hanging bright through passing clouds, its luster-orb seemingly out over the Pacific — feels warmer out than inside my apartment. Weather up here on California’s north…
Thick ground fog and a deep quiet this early Thursday morning on California’s north coast — an obscuring haze seemingly covering the whole, wide world. Especially in DC. President Obama’s so-called “charm offensive” with House…
Overcast and quiet this early Wednesday morning here on California’s north coast — either low clouds or high fog, I can’t tell the difference only that there’s no stars in sight. And this the middle…
Once again another Monday morning and there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it. The shit starts anew — a work-week opus. Overcast and a bit warm here on California’s north coast, but still so…
Forgot the DST this morning, even with all the news-site-blurbs yesterday yakking about ‘spring forward’ — a good thing it’s Sunday and there’s no place of got-to-be, so time can just go and kiss my……
Razor cuts the throat all the time — and all that jazz. Those highly-intelligent ‘sequester’ budget cuts are also striking the musical heart — up here on California’s north coast the US Air Force Band won’t…
Wet and foggy this Saturday morning on Caliornia’s north coast. The thick mist makes for a quiet, almost-surreal silence. As if the world outside is at a standstill. Well, it ain’t. A scant few hours…
Drizzling rain through a thick ground fog — this early Friday weather along California’s northern coast as we begin the weekend outlook with a throat slashing. Today starts the infamous sequester — run for the…
Tuesday morning cold and clear on California’s north coast with rain predicted for this afternoon and tomorrow, but this is 2013, not 1963 — we’re in the formative stages of the real tempest in a…