Sounds of Dumb
December 30, 2011The nastiest catfight right now is taking place in the frozen wastelands of Iowa — and it’s all bullshit and way-dumb. Top-of-the-hat, ‘fer instance — Newt Gingrich thinks Sara Palin rocks and would a most-excellent…
The nastiest catfight right now is taking place in the frozen wastelands of Iowa — and it’s all bullshit and way-dumb. Top-of-the-hat, ‘fer instance — Newt Gingrich thinks Sara Palin rocks and would a most-excellent…
A few days ago, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old Jeep, and this time the pump price had dropped six cents since the last gas-station visit, down to $3.83 a gallon…
A record — US peoples spent $448 billion on gasoline since the beginning of this year, $100 billion more than 2010, which in turn, puts OPEC on pace to top $1 trillion in net oil…
Today 70 years ago one of the landmark events of world history — the Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor — a horror-hole episode leading to a massive worldwide war which…
US peoples should hide in great-confused and frightful shame. In facing the greatest threat to humanity, maybe in all of recorded history, Americans still can’t decide whether they should give a shit or not on…
If you thought bankers were assholes, you were wrong! Banksters are far, far worse. From Reuters: Major global banks are exacerbating the fight against global warming by supplying power utilities and mining firms with ample…
Most scientists identify as Democrats (55 percent), while 32 percent identify as independents and just 6 percent say they are Republicans. — Pew Research, July 2009 Reality conception doesn’t require the brains of a rocket…
Yesterday, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old Jeep — and, lo and behold — the price of a gallon of regular has dropped four cents to $3.95 in just two weeks.…
(Illustration found here). Tomorrow, of course, is turkey day — one of US peoples’ more obtuse holidays where actual thanksgiving gives way to stuffing the face with food. And like most of the other so-called…
One cannot imagine the uselessness of combating anything of importance with those elected so-called leaders of the near-rudderless US of A — the failure of the “super committee” is the latest example of why mankind…