Gas and…ah…Gas
August 29, 2013Thick ground fog this early Thursday on California’s north coast, and quiet, too — can’t even hear the mighty Pacific Ocean only a mile or so away. The air, though, has that quality of quick…
Thick ground fog this early Thursday on California’s north coast, and quiet, too — can’t even hear the mighty Pacific Ocean only a mile or so away. The air, though, has that quality of quick…
An on-going creepy story not getting much airplay nowadays (via BBC News): “The quantities of water they are dealing with are absolutely gigantic,” said Mycle Schneider, who has consulted widely for a variety of organisations…
I hadn’t been aware of this particular day — today: Earth Overshoot Day 2013. Either I wasn’t paying attention, or missed it, or something. An odd celebratory event without much celebrating — well, actually none…
A bit on the chilly side this early Tuesday along California’s north coast, a change from what’s been happening weather-wise around here the last few weeks. Although the temperatures expected to be back in the…
As I get older, the writing process appears to be short-winded, and based on mood — creative juices just don’t percolate onto the page, or as in this modern era, onto the laptop screen as…
Bright and sunny this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast, a brisk wind on the chilled side keeps the air a little crisp. Due to a lot of other more-glamorous news topics the last few…
News is hurdling along this Tuesday PM: Ed Snowden may now be a “tasty morsel” for Vladimir Putin, and much more; President Obama offered up supposedly a heavy-duty, ‘sweeping plan,‘ to fight climate change, but cited…
Clear and kind of warm this Tuesday morning on California’s north coast, the near-half moon hanging like a bright closet-orb seen from far away. Day-to-day life viewed from the stars. In a world gone bat-shit…
Crystal clear this early Monday morning, stars twinkling and the air lucid even — far cry from when I dozed off last night as all along California’s north coast was turbulent weather. Power outages, fairly-heavy…
Tuesday morning cold and clear on California’s north coast with rain predicted for this afternoon and tomorrow, but this is 2013, not 1963 — we’re in the formative stages of the real tempest in a…