News Slop
January 20, 2012(Illustration found here). This morning just about everything I read/look at is pure shit. If the Republicans have one more debate I might blow chunks all over my laptop — the blow-hole event last night…
(Illustration found here). This morning just about everything I read/look at is pure shit. If the Republicans have one more debate I might blow chunks all over my laptop — the blow-hole event last night…
No big deal — Mitt Romney wins the New Hampshire primary and the GOP whore-wagon grinds on to South Carolina, where the pack gathers for a nit-picking contest there on Jan. 21. The only applaudable…
The horror of Iowa: No wobbling of that sort from Santorum — he’s an out-and-out denier. “There is no such thing as global warming,” he told a smiling Glenn Beck on Fox News in June…
The nastiest catfight right now is taking place in the frozen wastelands of Iowa — and it’s all bullshit and way-dumb. Top-of-the-hat, ‘fer instance — Newt Gingrich thinks Sara Palin rocks and would a most-excellent…
A few days ago, I put another $20 worth of gas in the old Jeep, and this time the pump price had dropped six cents since the last gas-station visit, down to $3.83 a gallon…
Books and movies are two completely different countries. In one you read by yourself (unless you’re in a group-grope book club), the other you see and hear — and the two supposedly connect when the…
Climate change is corrupting Bangladesh tea — the low-lying nation has a great tea growing industry, but the warming temperatures with less rain not only stumps growth, but can alter the flavor. From Aljazeera English…
Last night on CBS News, an interview with US Defense head Leon Panetta took place on what’s called “the doomsday plane,” a modified Boeing 747, termed an E-4B by the miltary, and tricked out with…
Today 70 years ago one of the landmark events of world history — the Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor — a horror-hole episode leading to a massive worldwide war which…
US peoples should hide in great-confused and frightful shame. In facing the greatest threat to humanity, maybe in all of recorded history, Americans still can’t decide whether they should give a shit or not on…