Tag Archives: Environment

House Marijuana Bill Heads To Senate — No Smoke Allowed

December 4, 2020

A victory, long-in-coming: Yeah, the Senate. Even more reason the Georgia run-off is so damn important — well, way-way- important to this country’s survival in any ‘normal’ fashion. And Republicans are such hypocritical assholes: Republicans…

Getting ‘Presidential’ on Climate Change as the Arctic Continues to Warm

November 25, 2020

Beyond politics and the virus: Climate change is earth’s biggest issue, and is more than just a problem for future generations.The shit is already here. The hottest warming-up spot is also one of the coldest…

Michael Mann: ‘A second Trump term is game over for the climate — really!’

November 5, 2020

As we continue to wait for the final election results, here’s a reminder of a backburner issue that’s bigger than the stove, and most-likely bigger than the kitchen: (Illustration found here). Near-about pushed aside is the…

Heat in Time — ‘A Kind of Vicious Circle’

July 2, 2020

Hot but manageable this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — temps have been high-90s this week, but by the weekend, supposedly back into the unbearable triple digits. Heat in the summer time… In…