‘Peak Oil’ Persiflage — Ha!
November 21, 2013Clear and cold this way-early Thursday on California’s north coast, and we can near-about see the weekend from here. Still not close enough, though, to reach out and touch. As the the UN climate talks…
Clear and cold this way-early Thursday on California’s north coast, and we can near-about see the weekend from here. Still not close enough, though, to reach out and touch. As the the UN climate talks…
(Illustration: Vincent van Gogh’s ‘The State Lottery Office’ found here). Yesterday, just before I was about to leave work — I manage a liquor store — this clueless dip-shit comes in and upsets the whole…
Overcast and gray this afternoon on California’s north coast, but the outside feels warm, almost an ironic-balmy for around here — temperatures in the mid 60s, a wind whispering from the north, totally-not unpleasant. A…
Cold and windy this Monday afternoon, and though we’re forecast for rain to arrive anytime now, the weather-ambiance this near the coast leaves calling the shots up in the air — thunderstorms are predicted for…
Sunshine and wispy clouds this Thursday afternoon on California’s north coast — though, there’s some ominous-darkly, thunderhead-looking clouds to the east over the mountains, us folks next to the ocean are experiencing a nice little…
Oh, sweet, sweet Friday — high overcast with some twinkling stars visible here on California’s north coast this way-early morning as we prepare for the weekend. Look’s like somebody’s got a case of the Fridays.…
Clear and way-chilly this way-early Thursday morning on California’s north coast, a quiet repose for one our more-dumb holidays — Halloween. Even with the good weather, business for the liquor store I manage has tanked…
Another cold and clear morning here on California’s north coast — a Monday, too. A start to another week of dangerous, crazy life in the nowadays. One real loony point comes on Thursday with the…
Clear and cold this Sunday morning here on California’s north coast, the sun near-literally bursting up like thunder a little while ago — and I don’t really know, but it sure feels the cold has…
Clear and windy this early Wednesday here on California’s north coast as we continue on down the path toward a mega-not-magnanimous disaster — nine days within a vat of stupid. Top-hat John Boehner is crying President…