Not-So-Happy History
June 15, 2014Bright sunshine just starting to break the gray this Sunday morning on California’s north coast — dark, heavy-clouded and gloomy a little earlier, but typical for us up here, the scene/sense of the weather can…
Bright sunshine just starting to break the gray this Sunday morning on California’s north coast — dark, heavy-clouded and gloomy a little earlier, but typical for us up here, the scene/sense of the weather can…
Ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast — just a little while ago, the sky was clear and a full, bright moon hung like a porthole high in the southern sky. And for…
(Illustration found here). One of the most-haunting and ultra-sad images of Iraq is the photo above of a child fleeing with others from Barsa, southern Iraq, in March 2003 — now 11 years later, is…
High overcast and cool this early Monday on California’s north coast — time is a speeding asshole because it feels in reality like it should still be Friday afternoon. Reality in this crazed age is…
Clear and chilly this way-too-early and coming-way-too-soon Monday morning as we start our waltz into summer. Years ago, June to September lasted forever — now WTF is 90 days? And, of course, today is Memorial…
Raining fairly-hard this arrived-way-too-fast Monday morning on California’s north coast. Seemingly, time freaked me Friday afternoon; home after work, and without even a hint of a whisper, I’m like ‘Right here and now!.’ Clocks mark…
Up until just about an hour ago, I was feeling good — the weekend with the sun shining and the air up here on California’s northern coastline warm and fuzzy. Until Greg Mitchell at The Nation…
Overcast this early Tuesday on California’s north coast with rain pretty hard at times, but mostly just drizzle as the work week progresses on down the daily line. We’re forecast for rain every day through…
Low overcast and ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and a bit on the warm side, too. Another typical Humboldt County weather situation — fog with splashes of sunshine. Beyond the continuing…
(Illustration: The Dick, George Jr., and Rummy posture-preen serious — found here) As a sixth-grader, I was near-about convinced the United States of America was the greatest country in the history of the world. In…