Tag Archives: journalism

Nearly Everybody Wants the Mueller Report Made Public

February 7, 2019

(Illustration: MC Escher’s engraving, ‘Old Oliver Tree,’ found here. Cold and dark this Thursday evening on California’s north coast — there was passing faded-yellow sunshine during late morning, early afternoon today, then later on, occasional…

Perfidious Prevaricator: ‘Dirty, Rotten, Lying Sack of Shit’

April 5, 2017

Gray skies this Wednesday evening on California’s north coast — rain coming tonight, and a much-bigger storm scheduled for late tomorrow to carry over into the weekend. Next sunshine, reportedly, will be on Sunday…maybe. The…

Journalism and T-Rump

November 29, 2016

Sharp, clean sunshine this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, way-chilly, though. As a former newspaper writer-person, reporting on T-Rump and his off-vibrates has got to be  weird as shit — for the first-time ever…