Tag Archives: Orwellian

‘Global warming and “an extraordinary departure from the norm”’

December 7, 2016

Overcast this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast, with rain expected at any minute — supposedly rain until Saturday, at least, and some forecast to be fairly-decent in downfall. And cold-as-shit this morning, too. However,…

Journalism and T-Rump

November 29, 2016

Sharp, clean sunshine this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, way-chilly, though. As a former newspaper writer-person, reporting on T-Rump and his off-vibrates has got to be  weird as shit — for the first-time ever…

Another Iraqi Delusion

November 4, 2015

Another news-cycle episode in the never-ending horror-subject of Iraq came with the death announced yesterday of Ahmed Chalabi, the grifter who played the US public for the 2003 invasion. Media coverage on Chalabi dying has…