Naked Down the Rabbit Hole
December 13, 2013Clear and chilly-cold this early Friday on California’s north coast as we power-up for the weekend. Right now, we’re at 45 degrees and on the road to a balmy 60 by Sunday — the ice…
Clear and chilly-cold this early Friday on California’s north coast as we power-up for the weekend. Right now, we’re at 45 degrees and on the road to a balmy 60 by Sunday — the ice…
Cloudless skies this afternoon on California’s north coast and abundant sunshine — but still a bit cold, but nothing like the past few days. We’re at about 53 degrees right now with a low tonight…
Clear and cold this way-too-early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and if the forecasts prove correct, we should be getting warmer weather this week. Outside right now, it’s a balmy 35 degrees! However, for a…
Clear and cold this early Friday on California’s north coast with icy rain due sometime later today in a frigid start-up to the weekend. Cold here, cold everywhere, especially across Texas and most of the…
Clear and cold again this Friday morning on California’s north coast as we prepare for the weekend — temperature right now is just a tad above freezing. Outlook for the next few days appears the…
Cold and windy this Monday afternoon, and though we’re forecast for rain to arrive anytime now, the weather-ambiance this near the coast leaves calling the shots up in the air — thunderstorms are predicted for…
Thick ground fog and a touch on the chilled side this Wednesday mid-afternoon on California’s north coast — fairly normal conditions for this area, though, normal being way-relative nowadays. In that particular, special aptitude, the…
Oh, sweet, sweet Friday — high overcast with some twinkling stars visible here on California’s north coast this way-early morning as we prepare for the weekend. Look’s like somebody’s got a case of the Fridays.…
Early Sunday and falling back on time. Actually, I’m still an hour ahead, but at my leisure sometime this morning will set life right, clock-wise anyway. The laptop, though, is already set in reality. Day…
Thick ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast, and way-quiet, too — only a faint rumble from the Pacific Ocean just more than a mile away. And we’re on the cusp of another…