Repugnancy Ringing
January 17, 2012Too early for nausea already — an election year with a bad, bad hangover of way-too much asshole behavior: A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a new high — 84 percent of Americans —…
Too early for nausea already — an election year with a bad, bad hangover of way-too much asshole behavior: A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a new high — 84 percent of Americans —…
Finally and officially, the 2012 political bullshit starts today. Republicans are gathered like hogs at the trough as the Iowa caucuses gather to select somebody to head the GOP into November, but there’s a long,…
US peoples are already sick of next year’s political rodeo. A majority chunk of Americans want the 2012 presidential campaign, readying to blast away in less than a month, to be over already — nearly…
In recent history, one has learned to not trust a lot of information from any US government agency with a hidden/or not-so-hidden agenda — recent example is the State Department’s okay of the horrendous Keystone…
Although Moammar Gadhafi was one of the great-cruel assholes of a generation, watching him all bloody, getting slapped around by Libyan freedom fighters, makes for a disconcerting scene — this world doesn’t sugar-coat violence in…
(Illustration found here). Nowadays, don’t US politics — and politics in general — make you sick to your bowels? In the midst of most-likely the biggest, nastiest, piece-of-shit economic condition since I-don’t-know-when (common term, ‘not…
Such a great graph — and a great h/t The Big Picture. (Illustration found here). I hope the graph is readable — if not, it originates from Spiegel Online at the link just above. One…
(Illustration found here). As the entire world gears itself into the mesh of the Occupy Wall Street movement today — marching on Broadway en route to police headquarters last month, the photo above depicts the…
US politics suck really, really bad. Although Bubba Clinton was talking about climate change, he could have been discussing the state of America in the eyes of the whole world via an ugly, laundry-list of…
malism: The doctrine that this world is evil — (HEADWORD) pessimism. When George Jr. ordered the US invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 — another decade gone — according to Andrew Kohut, president of the…