Category Archives: War & Politics

T-Rump and the Russikies

March 22, 2017

Gorgeous rain-respite this early-evening Wednesday on California’s north coast, with some really-good sunlight earlier and warmth. Although most of shine was more of the faded-yellow variety, all shine counts. Rain again tomorrow afternoon, and apparently…

Iraqi Inquiry — Blair Blares: ‘The World is Better and Safer’

July 6, 2016

Sunshine, near-clear skies and some gentle ocean breezes this Wednesday afternoon on California’s north coast — a thick-looking fog bank hangs seemingly just to the northwest, but we’re not gray-covered as of yet. Experienced some…

Bush League Lying

February 15, 2016

Damp-fog of a marine layer this Monday afternoon, as bright, clear sunshine much earlier has been replaced by deep-gray, amplified in muffled tones. Beyond ‘Fat Tony’ dying and the ensuing GOP cluster-crazy over President Obama’s…

Another Iraqi Delusion

November 4, 2015

Another news-cycle episode in the never-ending horror-subject of Iraq came with the death announced yesterday of Ahmed Chalabi, the grifter who played the US public for the 2003 invasion. Media coverage on Chalabi dying has…