GOP ‘Giddy’ Over T-Rump As Dictator

July 3, 2024

Blistering hot just short of the noon-hour Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley, and has been the whine for days, we’re in the middle of a heat-domed boil burbling across not only my state but scalding the entire US southwest — records will fall (you can count on it) the next week or so.
The abnormal is the new normal.

So it is also with America’s political/leadership/governance future, especially now in the wake of shitheel SCOTUS. Decent dissent Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted: ‘The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.

Immunity to kill — as King, or a dictator:

And it’s what the Republican party has been seeking since, like, forever — Amanda Marcotte at Salon this morning lays out the GOPers desire/worship for a right-wing strongman:

Even though attempted murder is not one of his 34 felony convictions, Donald Trump has never been coy about his longing to kill people. During the 2016 campaign, Trump famously mused in a speech, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” In 2020, he threatened to murder Black Lives Matter protesters by tweeting, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Throughout and after his presidency, there was a steady stream of stories from aides alarmed at how Trump would repeatedly ask if they would kill people for him. He requested bayonets and spikes on the southern border, hoping for grisly deaths of migrants crossing. He had Oval Office meetings in which he demanded the military “crack skulls” and “shoot” lefty protesters. Former Attorney General Bill Barr appeared to confirm reports that Trump regularly ordered him to “execute” government staff for speaking to the media. Barr did pretend Trump wasn’t serious, despite how often he circled back to the topic of extra-legal executions.

Even before he got into politics, Trump’s bloodthirstiness was on public display. In the 1980s, Trump demanded the death penalty for five young men falsely convicted of rape, a position he did not back down from, even after they were formally exonerated. (Trump himself was found liable for sexual assault last year by a jury, but does not feel he should face his own recommended punishment.) In 1990, Trump praised the Chinese government for killing peaceful protesters in Tiananmen Square. In the same interview, he lamented that the Soviet Union did not murder enough people, calling the Soviet government “out of control” for allowing more dissent than they had in the past.


People who are afraid of Trump would not be happy that he’s been granted the license to kill by the Supreme Court. But Johnson is hardly alone in expressing his elation over this. Politico described the Republican reaction as “giddy,” with prominent politicians like Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., using language like “win” and “victory.” Right-wing media is also celebrating like it’s their birthday, while, like Johnson, lying to their audiences about how much freedom Trump would have to commit crimes in office. Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation — which is helping run the infamous Project 2025 — responded to the decision by echoing Trump’s threats of violence. He declared, “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

I doubt that most, if any of the people who are lauding the decision do so out of any personal love for Donald Trump. They may be bad people, but they’re still human and so likely experience the same level of personal revulsion to the man himself that people who don’t care to flatter him report. Trump just so happens to be the available vehicle for authoritarian aspirations that have long been harbored in the GOP, and apparently at much higher levels than many in the media or within the moderate Republican ranks would like to admit. Certainly, the six Republican justices on the Supreme Court had no reason to hand this much power to Trump, unless they wanted to. It appears that, among the leadership ranks of the GOP, there’s been a deep-rooted craving for a dictator. Trump happens to be the one that’s on offer, so they’ll take it.

The fascistic yearnings of the GOP are one of the least well-kept secrets in politics, going back to Richard Nixon telling journalist David Frost in 1977 that a president should be able to commit crimes. In the decades since, Republican legal scholars have built up a body of pseudo-intellectual justifications for expanding executive powers to authoritarian levels. As Adam Serwer writes at the Atlantic, this is “the result of decades of work by right-wing activists seeking a permanent conservative political ascendancy.” As the New York Times documented Monday, “starting with the Reagan administration in the 1980s,” Republican lawyers “developed constitutional theories that would allow Reagan to do what he wanted even if Congress said otherwise.”

Through the decades, driven by the Federalist Society, Republicans have consolidated more power into presidential hands. George W. Bush’s administration was particularly attached to the idea that he had powers far behind what a good faith reading of the Constitution allowed. “The unitary executive theory provided the rationale for President Bush’s agenda to defend and expand presidential powers in a variety of areas as well as to protect the executive branch from what he and Vice President Cheney perceived as an overly intrusive Congress,” political scientists Mitchel Sollenberger and Mark Rozell explained in 2013. Trump’s next-level criminal behavior has eclipsed the outrages of the Bush era. Still, it was stomach-churning, how they used “unitary theory” of executive power to justify everything from torturing prisoners of war to invading Iraq on false pretenses.


So no, the Republican yearning for a dictator has never been that hard to see, for those willing to look. What Trump offers is an opportunity. His reckless criminality meant he was willing to push boundaries even the Bush administration was too afraid to touch. His cult-like following among the Republican base gave him power to keep going, despite the pushback. His overt embrace of violence against his fellow Americans provided political cover, allowing Republicans to go along with him while claiming reluctance to reporters. If Republicans were as afraid of Trump as they claim in anonymous quotes, they would have taken one of the many past opportunities throw Trump overboard, such as voting to convict him in the Senate after his second impeachment. They chose not to. Now we know why: Because Trump wants to be a dictator. Republicans want that, too.

And if the T-Rump is re-elected in November — we’re up shit creek without a paddle.
Or in the right-on words of Pinball:

Or as they say in ebonics, We be fucked.

Dictator dick, or not, yet here we are once again…

Image out front is my favorite of the T-Rump mugs, though, ‘favorite‘ does not mean in any form or fashion, as in, ‘my favorite movie,’ or ‘my favorite song.’ It’s more of an anti-appreciation/like.

And aptly titled, ‘Basic Shapes,‘ by caricaturist/illustrator Chong Jit Leong (and found here), it’s an image that displays the elemental form of a purloined sociopath — a bloated profile of flatulent bile and arrogant ignorance.

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