Too Early
December 20, 2013High overcast and cold this Friday morning on California’s north coast, a bit windy, too. Despite a grueling week, it’s almost over and the sanity-belt of those 48 weekend hours lies not-quick-enough ahead. Health shit…
High overcast and cold this Friday morning on California’s north coast, a bit windy, too. Despite a grueling week, it’s almost over and the sanity-belt of those 48 weekend hours lies not-quick-enough ahead. Health shit…
In lieu of a prison cell, George Jr. deserves a historical poke in the eye with a short, historical stick, even five years onward: Fifty percent of Americans say Bush is more responsible for the…
Clear, cold and windy this way-too-early Thursday here on California’s north coast, and the still-big moon hangs way-up high out over the Pacific. Winds are monitored to be between 5 and 8 mph, and on…
A pleasant surprise this afternoon at my local Union 76 station — regular is at $3.69 a gallon, down six cents in three weeks, the last time I put gas in the Jeep. Despite a…
Some ground fog and chilly air this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and although there’s a chance of rain this afternoon, we all hope the day will end like this week, so far —…
Clear sunshine and warm this afternoon, though, not as nice as yesterday, but of course, yesterday’s gone — the sun is right now slipping down upon the Pacific up here along California’s north coast and…
Clear and a little chilly this way-early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and hopefully we’ll have another gorgeous day like Monday. Yesterday afternoon I worked on my truck in shirtsleeves — no sweatshirt, jacket or…
Clear with bright sunshine and much-warmer temperatures this afternoon on California’s north coast, the best day we’ve had in a while. We’re at 53 degrees right now, with a high earlier of 59 — rain…
Monday again and there ain’t much I can do about it — chilly and a bit overcast this morning on California’s north coast with a near-full moon (Waxing Gibbous, 99 percent illuminated) hanging majestically out…
She would have been a neat person to hang out with, always interesting, always entertaining, conversations on a shitload of topics — if she could’ve spoke unfettered, and been herself. Emily Dickinson was most-likely a…