Killin’ Themselves
February 5, 2009“Suicide is painless,” and yes indeed it does bring on many changes, but with the game of life hard to play, since it’s gonna be lost anyway, to win is to cheat, lay it down…
“Suicide is painless,” and yes indeed it does bring on many changes, but with the game of life hard to play, since it’s gonna be lost anyway, to win is to cheat, lay it down…
One thing is certain in history: Weapons of war have become more advanced as a civilization seemingly progresses, always and continually getting more bang for the buck, and in turn, becoming less humane, more indiscriminate…
Lists of top good and bad appear near or at the end of each year, and usually bear witness to how crappy things are, or how how even-more crappy things are. This week, The Buffalo…
Another nail in the coffin of the earth. Climate change offered by human-induced CO2 discharges are literally sucking the life out of our oceans. (Illustration found here). In a report issued today, the horror of…
If suddenly a world-wide hate for the arts: A lot of wealthy assholes would be out of work. The greed of spotlight and treasure extends to just about everyone. From the UK’s Telegraph on profits…
This is bad. From ABC tonight: The CIA’s station chief at its sensitive post in Algeria is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly raping at least two Muslim women who claim he…
“Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed…
Watching Jack Bauer is like watching real-time terrorism at work — is everybody a terrorist? Are those real-nasty and indiscriminate drone attacks into Pakistan last week, after apparently President Obama gave the thumbs up, be…
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, would any leader react like George Jr., coming forth with incoherent strategy and bluster, only to create a far more disastrous conditional aftermath? History does have a fond way…
One building agenda-item in President Obama’s gnarly smorgasbord of agenda-items is the dangerous, weird-ass situation in Afghanistan. Despite new supply routes to bypass nasty Pakistan, the US presence in country is about to strike another,…