Oral O — ‘Scratch That’
January 28, 2014In a long, detailed interview/feature last week by David Remnick in the New Yorker, was this on President Obama’s historical perspective: “I have no desire to be one of those Presidents who are just on…
In a long, detailed interview/feature last week by David Remnick in the New Yorker, was this on President Obama’s historical perspective: “I have no desire to be one of those Presidents who are just on…
Another off little Eddie’s never-ending entrée-menu (via the Guardian): The National Security Agency and its UK counterpart GCHQ have been developing capabilities to take advantage of “leaky” smartphone apps, such as the wildly popular Angry…
High overcast this early Monday on California’s parched northern coast, and after summer weather the last last few weeks, rain, precious wet rain, is expected this week — 60 percent chance tonight and tomorrow, and…
In light of yet another shooting yesterday at the Columbia Mall in Maryland and the intense, accelerated pace in which these horrific events operate — earlier this month, a study on “active shootings in public…
Lo, and behold, Friday! And it’s clear and warm this early morning here on California’s north coast, with ‘weirding weather‘ making its play as right now we’re over 50 degrees and the forecast is for…
Thick ground fog blankets the northern California coast this early Wednesday, the second day in a row for such antics and yesterday I thought the deep mist would make the air warmer — wrong! Cold…
Heavy ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, which in turn makes the moist air a little-bit warmer — meanwhile, on the eastern US seaboard today winter keeps on keeping on with storms…
We elect presidents in the hope the asshole will handle shit correctly, keep war and pestilence at bay. Some Americans pay more attention than others, and sometimes can actually see the smell — history provides…
Clear and near-balmy this early Friday on California’s north coast as we rally for the weekend. Once again this morning, the moon hangs like a white-bright-eye in the western sky. And speaking of the eye…
Clear and moon-struck once again this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we bask in a spring/summer outbreak of warm weather. A stalled high pressure out in the Pacific has kept the state warm…