Category Archives: Bullshit

MAGA Hatters Still Believe ‘Despicable’ T-Rump

June 21, 2021

Idiots outside of an institution have a shitload of problems, reality being one of them, and with the case of T-Rump and his followers, it’s part of the Big Lie: Standing story of our times…

Arrival Of ‘The Mega-Heat Wave’ — Part Deux: Seeing Laboratory-Research Models Come Alive, ‘Surreal’

June 18, 2021

As the fever-fiery, ‘mega-heat wave‘ continues here in California’s Central Valley and across a large chunk of the western US, the Friday news dump turned out in actuality to be sort an extension of my…

T-Rump Still Contributing To COVID Dying — ‘Vaccine On Very Young People Is Something That You’ve Got To Really Stop’

June 17, 2021

Even as life spins along and Joe Biden has been president nearly six months, the vile, infectious T-Rump virus continues to plague mankind and no known vaccine in sight, other than a way-shitload of people…

Why Is Merrick Garland Trying To Whitewash The T-Rump and Billy Barr?

June 11, 2021

Cool and breezy this Friday morning here in California’s Central Valley, loving the delay in the heated-summer days immediately ahead — and also grasping the pre-Friday news dump drop from last night, where it was…

Despite No ‘Evidence’ Of Widespread Voter Fraud — T-Rump’s Big Lie Creates Chaos And ‘The Ingredients For A Democracy Crisis’

June 10, 2021

A way-weather-worn tale, a bald-faced lie screamed in wide-open space of a crime committed which never, ever happened, and although this should stop the bullshit — it won’t: The quick exchange: Swalwell: Director, has your…