Category Archives: Bullshit

Al Sharpton on the T-Rump’s Antics: ‘Wickedness in high places’

June 9, 2020

Another near-lost most-ominous piece of particulars on the infestation of a “nightmare” — Dr. Anthony Fauci (CNN today): “Ebola was scary, but Ebola would never be easily transmitted,” Fauci said speaking at the BIO International…

A Twilight Zone Clip of the West Wing

June 2, 2020

Soft breezes and heavy-heat this late-afternoon Tuesday in California’s Central Valley, supposedly 94-degrees right now with nearly three hours of daylight left. Somewhere in the low-80s by dark– tomorrow starts a two-day hot flash: temperatures…

Lights Out! And We Get Scary Dark

June 1, 2020

Overcast and mostly quiet this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley. Seemingly, with every day an acceleration of a shitty ride further into calamity. And today no exception: Hysteria over this is natural, but…

T-Rump: ‘I tested very positively in another sense this morning’

May 21, 2020

Early-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad with a gentle, cool breeze which keeps the air pleasant and comfortable. We can feel the summer coming, though. Forecast for the next 90…