Category Archives: Bullshit

Guardian: ‘Climate Emergency, Crisis or Breakdown’ Instead of Passive ‘Change’

May 17, 2019

Seemingly-white sunshine this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast, the brightness of the low-hanging clouds appears to bleach the air — warm, too. We did get some decent sun this morning, then on occasion, and…

Journalist on the T-Rump Lying: ‘He Totally Snowed Me’

May 11, 2019

(Illustration: M.C Escher’s ‘Scholastica (Full Moon),’ found here). Dark gray skies, overcast/low clouds,and a near-gloomy Saturday evening here on California’s north coast — rain forecast for Tuesday, so there’s that… Add to the ash-like attitude,…

T-Rump’s Legal Corruption: ‘Runs Counter to Logic and Our Experience’

May 6, 2019

Overcast and gray this Monday evening on California’s north coast — low clouds and darkness coming pretty-quickly. Earlier in the afternoon, Little River State Beach was nice, though, even in a kind of brown, drab,…

Crisis of Billy Barr: Too ‘Snitty’ for Legalities

May 1, 2019

Illustration to the left, Pablo Picasso’s ‘Agonizing Horse’ (found here), is another in that category of artwork epitomizing our era, fashioned on suffering: ‘Some have interpreted the horse as Franco’s Nationalism, with Picasso predicting its…