Category Archives: Donald Trump

‘Former Guy’ And His Criminal-Legal Beagles ‘Are Trafficking In Absurdities’ With Executive Privilege

October 8, 2021

On occasion, a Friday news-story dump happens early, and sometimes it’s not even a dumpster item — Joe Biden was straight today with his official dismissal of T-Rump’s ‘executive privilege‘  bullshit, maybe allowing access to…

T-Rump’s Final Step In The Big Lie — ‘Turn The Mob Loose On The Capitol The Day We Were Counting The Ballots’

October 7, 2021

In America’s never-ending, near-continuous daily unfoldings of T-Rump’s Big Lie bullshit and his unprecedented attempts to keep on being president even after obviously losing the November election, today another chapter — the Orange Turd tried…

Fighting The Big Lie Obstructed By A Republican Party That’s ‘Really Descended Into The Abyss’

October 6, 2021

Even as Joe Biden and Democrats strive to keep America afloat, the truth-bringing to the dumb-ass ‘coup’ attempt by the T-Rump at the end of his term in office appears to be hitting too close…

Pandemic Milestone — 700,000-Plus Americans Dead, Producing ‘Red COVID’

October 1, 2021

Of all the Friday news dumps this particular Friday was another COVID-19 milestone — more than 700,000 Americans have now died from the virus. Especially looking at the tweet below, and those wonderful summer months…

T-Rump White House: Packed-Full Of ‘Casual Dishonesty’ — Former Press Secretary

September 28, 2021

Another T-Rump book hit the InterWebs this Tuesday morning, and shock and awe, he’s still an asshole piece of shit. How many of these non-literary scandal sheets are coming — just last week was Bob…

CDC Time Watch — Masks Requirements Make A Difference And Vaccine Denial Is Political Bullshit

September 26, 2021

Forest-fire skies this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — brown-stained air from the wildfires south of us in the Sequoia National Park, which keeps a lid on any clean sunshine. Reportedly, the fires…

No Executive Privilege For The Lying T-Rump — ‘Extremely Dilute And Not Really Relevant’

September 24, 2021

Warm and brown-tinted overcast this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley, and summer clings to us like the horror of seeing T-Rump play golf. In my post earlier today on the maybe/seemingly dismal future…

America On The Brink Of Disaster — ‘You Should Be Ashamed Of Your Incivility’

September 24, 2021

This country is indeed in frightful, dispiriting peril. A for instance: In response to the terrible Texas law, House Democrats this morning passed the Women’s Health and Protection Act, which would establish a federal right…