Category Archives: Donald Trump

T-Rump Lies And Rants, Joe Biden Still Way-Popular And Doing A Good Job

March 29, 2021

As Joe Biden continues to be as popular as ever, and carries on with poise and determination, the wallowing-in-pity T-Rump maintains his lying status as a goof-ball dipshit, and after hyjacking a wedding repection over…

CDC Chief Warns Of Maybe ‘Impending Doom’ If COVID Safety Measures Aren’t Enforced, Despite Vaccines

March 29, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Why Nurses Do What They Do,’ by Emily Thomas, and found here). Just I figured a long, ugly while ago, we’re far from being out of any kind of woods in conjuction with overcoming…

Lindsey’s Sanctimoniously Sashaying Simply Stupefying

March 28, 2021

In a post designed to showcase an American piece of shit, a nice start is to first exhibit that sense of helping neighbors and fellow companions (h/t tweet tengrain): And shifting to something that’s utterly…

Biden Might Need ‘To Fact-Check The Media’ In Actual Reporting

March 26, 2021

Some dangling participles today from Joe Biden’s first presidential press conference with an emphasis on reporters not really doing their jobs (I touched on this yesterday) and seeking out shit not needed to be sought…

‘Rainy Night In Georgia’ — Raining Shit Plantation-Style As White State Legislators Sign Into Law ‘Jim Crow 2.0’

March 26, 2021

Sad, angry shit this morning off the ugly vandalism of America yesterday in Georgia, which in itself is only representive of Republican endeavors nationwide — why the living-shit do we have to turn to The…

Republican Troll Two-Step: Lie And Then Play The Victim, Or Scream ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe It Anyway

March 22, 2021

Sunshine with a cool breeze this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley as we try and make it through the shit piled-up around our ears. One aspect of this shit is the astounding, unmitigated…

Insurrection/Sedition MAGA Hatters Plow Through — A Dramatic War-Zone Montage

March 22, 2021

January’s insurrection/riot at the US Capitol building is still fresh in the air, but the ghastly event was perpetrated by self-centered dimwits like this coffee-shop owner in Ohio: ‘“If you voted for Joe Biden, don’t…