Category Archives: Donald Trump

Mitt Romney On T-Rump’s Shit ‘So Nutty And Loopy’

December 20, 2020

On this fog-induced chilly Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, some decent-good news from way-back East — Congress critters say they have finally “finalized an agreement“ for a $900 billion COVID relief package, which…

Michael Cohen On The T-Rump: ‘We Will All See His Behavior Deteriorate Until It Progresses Into A Full Mental Breakdown’

December 19, 2020

No doubt the T-Rump is one of most way-terrible, awful people who’s ever lived, and that’s covering a shitload of historical ground. Along with the cruel awfulness, he’s frightfully fairly-close to being really-bad ‘mentally divergent,’…

A Truth About Republicans: ‘I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of fuckers’

December 18, 2020

This pissed me so-off this week — I was going to post about it yesterday, but ran out of both time and energy — the shifty shittiness of Republicans after four years of the nasty,…

The Russians Are Here, The Russians Are Here — ‘The Largest Espionage Attack In History’

December 17, 2020

Last Sunday came word some ‘unknown’ hackers (Russians!) cracked the cyber systems of multiple US government agencies — from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Commerce — and maybe some state/city networks…

Newsom Says COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Distributed With ‘Inclusion And Equity’

December 16, 2020

As COVID-19 surges across California, the technical aspects of a vaccine roll-out are being pondered not only in logistics, but who will be getting the first doses, and beyond health-care workers and the elderly, there’s…