Category Archives: Environment

Climate Scientist On Tipping Point For Global Warming: Mankind May Have ‘Already Stepped On This Mine And Already Set Off The Beginning Of The Explosion’

June 16, 2021

Set aside for a minute the Joe/Vlad face-to-face on the shores of peaceful Lake Geneva, or even the nauseous, toxix Repubican party here in the US, seeking to erase democracy, or the outbreak of vicious…

California’s COVID Crusade: We Reopen! — What Next?

June 15, 2021

After an elderly guy in Placer County died in March 2020, the first COVID-19 death in California, the state with the rest of the country went into near-shock mode with lockdowns/shutdowns/stay-at-home orders, etc. that would…

Red States T-Rump Won Are Keeping America From COVID ‘Herd Immunity’ — Biden-Won States Reaching, Topping Vaccination Goals

June 12, 2021

Even as a lot of Americans are being vaccinated against COVID-19 — I’ve been fully-vaxxed for two months — this pandemic will never be truly over until the world is fully-vaxxed, too, and until then…

Republicans Put Oil/Gas Before Climate Change — New Distraction ‘Shiny Object’ Is A Phony Care For The Environment

June 10, 2021

Beyond the anti-democratic horrors created by Republicans for this country’s immediate weeks and months, these ass-wipes are also endangering the not-so-distant future for the entire freaking planet — climate change is a most-way-real catastrophe and…

Death Valley No Longer Hottest Spot on Earth, And Arctic Sea Ice Thinning ‘Twice As Fast As Previously Thought’ — Duh!

June 5, 2021

(Illustration: Section of the Dash-E Lut desert, located in Iran. Image found here). Once considerd for a long time the hottest spot on earth, California’s own Death Valley, has now lost the hot seat to…

UFOs: Aliens Or Not — US Intel Can’t Say Other Than ‘Close Encounters’ Of The Baffling Kind

June 4, 2021

Nice drop to a Friday semi-crazy news dump, and who would have guessed UFOs would receive sincere appraisal from government agencies, especially NASA, but we live in all-around strange times. From Wikipedia: ‘In ufology, a…

Earth’s Climate Could Be Near A ‘Tipping Point,’ Creating ‘An Existential Threat To Civilisation’ — Meanwhile, The UN’s IMO Is In Bed With Polluters

June 3, 2021

(Illustration  ‘Tipping Point,’ by Ingram Pinn, and found here). Beyond the normal shitstorms of modern life in real time, probably and most-likely the greatest horror facing all of us here on planet earth inches forward…

Hot-Apocalypse Now: High Temps, California, Western US In Drought Conditions — Fires Up

May 31, 2021

Hot! The operative word this Memorial Day here in California’s Central Valley — we’re forecast to hit triple-digits today for the first time this year (104-degrees) and the same hateful-heat is expected the next couple…

Climate Change: Yep, The World Is Still Getting Hotter, And Maybe A Bit Faster, Too — Have A Nice Day

May 27, 2021

As we wander through today’s bitter-sweet events, from Joe Biden ice cream comments about GQPers opposed to the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot commission to “Eat some chocolate chocolate chip,” to Mitch McConnell going in the opposite…