Category Archives: Finance

In The Rafters With The Debt Ceiling

September 23, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Government Shutdown Crisis,’ by Nonja Tiller, and found here). As if Americans didn’t currently have enough on their collective-disaster plate, now there’s the idiotic GQP-influenced debt ceiling bullshit, maybe leading to a US government…

Legalized Marijuana Has Majority Of Americans’ Support: Bill To Strike It Off Controlled-Substance List Making Another Round In Congress — Republicans Again The Assholes

May 30, 2021

In the hallowed-halls of Congress not much is accomplished nowadays, especially anything the majority of Americans support, or want done, so last week another step in the right direction for marijuana reform — except, of…

New York Legal Cases Against T-Rump Amplify — ‘That Corrupt Motherfucker’ Could Go Down

May 20, 2021

Big news this morning on the legal side of the T-Rump world as it was announced New York prosecutors are not only pursuing a criminal angle, but also now going after the orange turd’s CFO…

Joe Biden’s First Speech To Congress Tonight: Amid Good Approval Ratings From The Public, He Will Detail A ‘Profound Pivot’ Of Government In American Society

April 28, 2021

As Joe Biden gets ready to make his first speech to a joint session of Congress tonight, rolling with a theme of “America is on the move again,” there’s a bit of history, too: ‘He’ll…