Category Archives: History

Republicans Declare War On American Democracy And Reality

May 12, 2021

Whoa, this day: Mr. Gibbs: “She was singing about pirates. Bad luck to sing about pirates, with us mired in this unnatural fog… mark my words!” Norrington: “Consider them marked.” — “Pirates of the Caibbean:…

Obvious To The World — One Side A Lie, The Other Truth

May 11, 2021

Although the shit seems to be hitting the crazy fan for Republicans, the chief point is events on both sides of the proverbial-political aisle is increasingky obvious to the whole-freaking world — on the reality…

The Press Is Finally Coming Around To Calling Republican Lies As ‘Lies’ With No More Sugarcoating — But Is It Too Late?

May 10, 2021

Media big-wigs of the MSM are finally circling around to reality journalism of calling Republican lies as ‘lies,’ and not ‘falsehoods, or ‘inaccurate claims,’ or some such nonsense, but f*cking-ass lying. The process has been…

Village Party Of Elderly Idiots Hosted By A Pervert And A Loony Tune — Part Forever

May 8, 2021

A way-clear example of just how really, really screwed this country is right now, when two cmplete asshole-liars and most-shitty of people churn-up the bubble-living old folks of south Florida into a scream-like rant of…

Chinese Space Junk To Fall Somewhere To Earth This Weekend — Chance Of Getting Struck ‘Not Zero’

May 7, 2021

In the midst of COVID, low economic numbers, the Liz Cheney/Elise Stefanik shit-storm, Joe Biden wearing a mask longer than necessary, and an assortment of other news items cycling through the system this morning —…

‘Foxmania’ Can Supposedly Disappear Racism And Insurrection

May 6, 2021

America seems to be getting more dark and silly: Anthony Antonio’s story today from above is folded unhingedly into the tale of another insurrectionist arrested after the Jan. 6 US Capitol onslaught — a nutcase…