Category Archives: History

Too Many Guns, Too Many Deaths By Guns — Are We Numb To It?

March 23, 2021

(Illustration found here). Another mass murder event — 10 killed yesterday at a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store — three days ago, one killed, five injured at a Philadelphia house party, and last week, of course,…

Republican Troll Two-Step: Lie And Then Play The Victim, Or Scream ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe It Anyway

March 22, 2021

Sunshine with a cool breeze this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley as we try and make it through the shit piled-up around our ears. One aspect of this shit is the astounding, unmitigated…

Insurrection/Sedition MAGA Hatters Plow Through — A Dramatic War-Zone Montage

March 22, 2021

January’s insurrection/riot at the US Capitol building is still fresh in the air, but the ghastly event was perpetrated by self-centered dimwits like this coffee-shop owner in Ohio: ‘“If you voted for Joe Biden, don’t…

Climate Change: By 2100 We’ll Have Just A Month Of Winter A Year

March 21, 2021

(Illustration found here). Even as the days churn onward, climate change is a most-persistent bitch and will only get way-worse if no heavy-duty steps are taken, and the way the situation is building — even…

History Could Repeat — Beware The Warnings From The 1918 Flu Pandemic

March 21, 2021

Another Sunday under the near-suffocating blanket of the COVID-19 pandemic, and although case numbers are falling and the vaccine-jabbing is gaining speed, the optimism which filled the airwaves the last week or so seems a…

‘Trump Force One’ Jet Rots Away At A Small New York Airport As T-Rump Faces ‘Threats That No Tycoon Would Want’

March 20, 2021

Laying-up in Florida, nasty-faced and stumped of glory, the T-Rump is in a financial and legal pickle as his beloved glory days are in their sunset times — even his “Trump Force One” rots away…

Antiquated Flashback: Five Young White House Staffers Fired For Past Marijuana Use

March 19, 2021

When I read about this particular subject this morning, I was kind of floored. Despite this being right now and not 1975, Joe Biden’s team needs to re-evauate this situation pretty quick. Paul Waldman at…