Category Archives: History

Day of Infamy

January 20, 2017

Drizzling rain this early Friday on California’s north coast, buffed by a chilled-gusty wind — weather like this forecast until Tuesday, supposedly. Of course, the entire country was buffeted this morning with the inaugural of…

‘Smearing’ the 2016 ‘Leap Second’

December 30, 2016

A quick-arriving marine layer this early Friday on California’s north coast blocked a clear, bright sunrise — despite the gray, it’s supposed to be ‘Mostly Sunny‘ today with no rain expected until Sunday. Snow flurries…

‘The Worse People’ in Charge

December 27, 2016

Overcast-gray with some layered ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — sprinkles/drizzle forecast for sometime this morning. In context of the coming new year, and a newly-minted/old word I’d never heard of…

Lamenting the Deplorable

December 22, 2016

Slivers of faded-yellow sunshine this early Thursday on California’s north coast — big rainstorm due this afternoon, and will supposedly drench-over into all day tomorrow. Weather the system, but not the climate — an unpresidented gloom…