Category Archives: History

Climate Change Rehearsal In Real Time

December 27, 2021

Wet and chilly this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley as winter storms pound the state, dumping heavy rain on the flatlands and a shitload of snow in the mountains and foothills — major…

Republican Art Of Playing The Victim — ‘Used To Justify The Underlying Bullying Behaviors’

December 27, 2021

One terrible, nasty aspect of how Republicans work their lifestyles upon the rest of us is through the pathetic and asinine use of crowing victimhood whenever they’re called on something that’s obviously shitty and there’s…

T-Rump Junior And MAGA Ruthlessness

December 26, 2021

Even in the fading light this early-evening Sunday here in California’s Central Valley and the future of our current American life is on the line, starting next year. In that regard, good interview this afternoon…

In Order To Handle Climate Change Impacts A New Approach To The Concept Of ‘Human Flourishing” Is Way-Overdue

December 25, 2021

Raining this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, a wet holiday experienced by a lot of Americans today — rain and snow for a big chuck of the country, but in some parts are…

‘Destination’ 11 — ‘Understand What I’ve Become’

December 24, 2021

In lieu of dismal words this Friday morning on the eve of a holiday, another post in our ‘Destination‘ series of music and non-hand-wringing (last one here and if you want, follow the series backward…