Category Archives: Madness

Despite Death of ‘Some People,’ T-Rump Taunts ‘But We Have to Get Our Country Open’

May 5, 2020

Bat-shit crazy times, huh? And this from the LA Times this morning: Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions…

Seemingly Everybody Agrees: T-Rump is Nuts!

May 2, 2020

Saturday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley. Pleasant day overall, breezy and not bad. Considering. Blogging in the backyard again. Outside has become a habit, a quiet influence over a mental-screaming exasperation for our dour-looking…

COVID-19, Climate Change and Youthful Arrogance: ‘If I Get Corona, I Get Corona’

March 18, 2020

In recent years, maybe the last decade or so, climate change has so galvanized my focus on how serious a concern it is for civilization, and for everybody’s children, I used to get depressed, sad…

Donna Edwards: T-Rump ‘would actually, I think, do better in terms of the public if he’d just shut up’

March 14, 2020

Even on the weekend the wind blows, which way-or-not depends, and so the coronavirus continues to barrel-down upon humanity with full, unchecked glee — we’re coupled with a pandemic and an idiot in charge of…

T-Rump’s Daddy: ‘You Are a King … You Are a Killer … You Are a King’

February 15, 2020

In just a few days an obvious fracture in America’s supposed-rock of liberty: (Illustration found here). Brooklyn-based artist Tim O’Brien. who created the above image for a Time cover in June 2018: ‘“This portrait of…

The T-Rump’s Bully Pulpit and Kids: ‘They hear it. They think it’s okay. The president says it…Why can’t they?’

February 13, 2020

Even as the T-Rump attempts to destroy our governing system via a shitload of corresponding sideshows, the horror of his nasty mouth has drained-down into our young people, creating a sink-hole of racial unrest, and…