Category Archives: Orwellian

Vlad Putin ‘Increasingly Unhinged’

February 28, 2022

In context of the current civilian-war zone in Ukraine, I came across some interesting tidbits while doomscrolling the InbterWebs this afternoon, a goodly chunk maybe mainly on how Vlad Putin is an unhinged asshole who…

Frightful New UN Climate Report: ‘The Bleakest Warning Yet’ — War In Ukraine Maybe A Template For Action

February 28, 2022

Near-hot just at mid-day Monday here in California’s Central Valley as temperatures generate more than just warmth as maybe the weather feels as if it could leap spring altogether,  and crunch face-first into summer. Weather…

Maddow: Putin A ‘Kleptocratic Dictator’

February 25, 2022

Entering the third day of the crazed, maladjusted invasion of Ukraine, Rachel Maddow set the standard in revealing the real asshole, piece of shit that’s Vlad Putin — a whine-fest way-anti-democratic and dangerous turd: Rachel…

War! — ‘Friend Only To The Undertaker’

February 24, 2022

(Illustration from The New York Times earlier this morning). As I type this post, I’m watching Joe Biden do his thing as all of us come to grips with a shitty, un-called-for war in Ukraine, and…

Death Clique — COVID Red Edition

February 23, 2022

Beyond Ukraine this morning, but still on just how extremely awful are Republicans and why we’ll probably never get a true handle on the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a problem not of the so-called, and…