Category Archives: Orwellian

‘Hatriot’ — Word for the Times, ‘Perfect Shorthand’ for Racist Assholes

August 7, 2019

An old word badly needed for the nowadays, one I’d never heard before today, “hatriot” — this from two years ago, which went unnoticed by just about everybody: As explained at the Guardian this afternoon…

T-Rump Averages 16 Lies A Day — Fact Checker

June 10, 2019

Still bright and warm this early Monday evening here on California’s north coast, a gorgeous sunshine day with a summer’s heat. Supposedly, 74-degrees forecast tomorrow for Arcata, triple-digits interior temps, and fairly-much the same through…

American DNA Not Happy — Neither is Robert Mueller

April 30, 2019

Illustration to the left, Salvador Dali’s ‘Galatea of the Spheres’ (found here), seems appropriate for our times, a surreal DNA scattering, ‘…creating the illusion of three dimensions.’ A consequence of flying-apart molecules leads to becoming…