GOPer Warms
December 5, 2014Considered ‘partly cloudy,’ right now, though maybe in a few minutes the word, ‘partly,’ will be replaced by its opposite, ‘wholly,’ as heavy rain is forecast for this afternoon on this little stretch of California’s…
Considered ‘partly cloudy,’ right now, though maybe in a few minutes the word, ‘partly,’ will be replaced by its opposite, ‘wholly,’ as heavy rain is forecast for this afternoon on this little stretch of California’s…
Rain and more rain this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast, but we get breaks between downpours, sometimes even with sunshine, but nothing like down in LA County — Meteorologist Curt Kaplan: ‘“Yesterday, we had…
Drizzling rain and thickly-overcast this early Sunday, the last day of November, here on California’s north coast — we’re feeling the trailing remnants of a big storm now sweeping southward. So big the weather-front, counties…
Overcast and rainy-looking on California’s north coast this early Thursday — i.e., Thanksgiving — as well as it should be, a big storm is supposedly swirlin’ our way. According weather reports, the storm is the…
Fairly-clear skies this early Sunday, especially after so much rain falling here-abouts on California’s north coast the last few days — and maybe we’ll catch some rays later. Alas, the weather… In the vast-sweep of…
Rain, wind and cold — weather-bound Friday here on California’s north coast. Rain scheduled for all day, and supposedly heavy tonight. Maybe some sun tomorrow… Despite the freezing-ass cold of the upper-eastern US, and the…
Overcast and chilly this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast with more rain on the way, a chance tonight, but apparently for sure tomorrow and a rainy week ahead. One local forecast read, ‘warmer than…
Bright and cool this late afternoon, but without DST, nighttime seems to come quick, getting-darker faster. End-of-a-terrible mystery news: The “melting,” or “wasting” disease horribly killing sea stars — or ‘star fish‘ — along the…
Clear and chilly outside this early Monday — way-high, wispy clouds, though, will most-likely tone-down sunshine — but this little patch of California’s north coast does feel the sense of real, around-here cold for the…
Dark and rainy this early Friday on California’s north coast, and on my back patio, a sight of a half-moon hanging slightly southward, but seemingly way-up there in a broken-cloudy sky. A lot of rain…