Tag Archives: assholes

‘This Giant Disconnect’ — “…they said I looked like Elvis”

November 26, 2018

Another Monday here on California’s north coast, and another lark of sorrow — the T-Rump’s hard-headed, bat-shit-crazy take on that devastating climate-change report from last Friday (HuffPost): “I don’t believe it,” he told reporters outside…

Climate Change — Tossed in the Friday News Dump

November 23, 2018

Insult to injury sort of, climate change continues unabated — new report yesterday on greenhouse gases from the World Meteorological Organization Bad bottom line per Common Dreams: “The last time the Earth experienced a comparable…

Harvey Horror: Chem Calamity

August 30, 2017

(Illustration found here). Beyond the mournful images of Hurricane Harvey’s staggering-impact on southeast Texas, the narrative could spin into a scenario of the worse kind of nightmare. Along the coast are a way-shitload of chemical…

Climate-Change Heat — ‘Windows’ of ‘Maybe’

August 1, 2017

Sunshine and warmth again this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — we’re sitting near 70-degrees here close to 5 o’clock, forecast for the high-70s along the shoreline for tomorrow and Thursday. Sweet here, but way-hot-shitty…

‘An Angry Child’ Makes Bad — Sad

June 1, 2017

Sunny and cool this late-afternoon Thursday on California’s north coast — high, sparse clouds shining through a smooth, crisp ocean breeze makes life along the shoreline more-than fairly nice. Anti-nice and horrifying was the scene…