August 6, 2011In a time so awash in dramatic events, especially the last couple of weeks and the debt ceiling/financial markets bombast — worse Wall Street week in three years, the US downgraded from AAA to AA+…
In a time so awash in dramatic events, especially the last couple of weeks and the debt ceiling/financial markets bombast — worse Wall Street week in three years, the US downgraded from AAA to AA+…
One standing cliche of horror movies is the old trope of the menaced babysitter being scared out of her most-beautiful wits by a killer via telephone calls, which as turns out, are being made “from…
There’s an absolute truism in the saying, ‘What Comes Around, Goes Around,” albeit for the vast amount time, we never see or feel this effect — what you do today will show up tomorrow. Open…
“Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hard-working, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.” — Lily Tomlin (Illustration found here).…
Lawyers apparently have always been legal assholes. From Roman third-century lawyer, Ulpian, on torture: “The strong will resist and the weak will say anything to end the pain.” Yet to torture is a righteous path:…
All over the hotel, dignitaries, who had come to the capital to discuss the future of Afghanistan’s security, locked themselves in lavatories or hid under beds as the killing began. — The Telegraph, on the…
Another view of this particular day: You profess to believe “that, of one blood, God made all nations of men to dwell on the face of all the earth,” and hath commanded all men, everywhere…
(Illustration found here). One must always keep in mind when giving any thought to how Republicans govern to this heart-felt comment from mush-faced twit Mitch McConnell from last October: “The single most important thing we…
One of the most-horrible stories in a long, long list of horrible stories coming from war waged nowadays: Insurgents tricked an 8-year-old girl in a remote area of central Afghanistan into carrying a bomb wrapped…
Apparently, the late Osama bin Laden was tired of his brand name — al-Qaeda just didn’t have the kick and the joke-juice necessary to kill the crowd. All organizations from time-to-time have to take a…