Tag Archives: California drought

UN Climate-Change Draft Report: ‘The Worse Is Yet To Come,’ And Sooner, Too

June 23, 2021

Briefly brushing aside politics for a moment, let’s take another peek at a fully-formed catastrophe that will soon be the headliner — climate change. Although today here in California’s Central Valley is really nice —…

Arrival Of ‘The Mega-Heat Wave’ — Part Deux: Seeing Laboratory-Research Models Come Alive, ‘Surreal’

June 18, 2021

As the fever-fiery, ‘mega-heat wave‘ continues here in California’s Central Valley and across a large chunk of the western US, the Friday news dump turned out in actuality to be sort an extension of my…

COVID Variants, A Deadly Heat Wave, And T-Rump A Psychopathic Asshole — Some News For The Day, Most Known Way-Already!

June 15, 2021

Usually, in putting together the couple of posts I do about every day, there’s always some seemingly-more interesting than the dozens of serious/important news items flashing across our screens 24/7, and one or two worthy…

California Drought And Continuing Climate Change: Therefore — ‘A Lot Of The Slack In Our System Has Already Been Used Up’

June 7, 2021

(Illustration: US Drought Monitor, California, found here). Sunny but cooler than normal this Monday afternoon in California’s Central Valley, a seemingly off-day from the heat we’ve experienced the last week or so — yet the…

Hot-Apocalypse Now: High Temps, California, Western US In Drought Conditions — Fires Up

May 31, 2021

Hot! The operative word this Memorial Day here in California’s Central Valley — we’re forecast to hit triple-digits today for the first time this year (104-degrees) and the same hateful-heat is expected the next couple…

Climate Change: Yep, The World Is Still Getting Hotter, And Maybe A Bit Faster, Too — Have A Nice Day

May 27, 2021

As we wander through today’s bitter-sweet events, from Joe Biden ice cream comments about GQPers opposed to the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot commission to “Eat some chocolate chocolate chip,” to Mitch McConnell going in the opposite…

Climate Change: The California Drought To The Rapid Melting Of Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’

April 30, 2021

(Illustration: California drought from April 2020 to April this year, and found here). Although the Joe Biden administration is attempting a full-throttle fight against the searing, on-going, rapidly-accelerating climate-change phenomenon, the heating of the planet…