Tag Archives: Donald Trump

‘Trump Death Clock’

May 8, 2020

We’re in an era of ‘you can’t make this shit up,’ shit: Background via the Guardian‘s live blog this morning: The Trump Death Clock, the real-time tracker that seeks to put a figure on the…

T-Rump/Pence: ‘They Remain in Great Health’

May 7, 2020

(h/t Miss Cellania). A couple of items weirder than normal, and ghastly, too. Our life scenario seems to be edging in a general direction for a horrible situation-event to explode (even worse than right now),…

Despite Death of ‘Some People,’ T-Rump Taunts ‘But We Have to Get Our Country Open’

May 5, 2020

Bat-shit crazy times, huh? And this from the LA Times this morning: Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions…

Seemingly Everybody Agrees: T-Rump is Nuts!

May 2, 2020

Saturday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley. Pleasant day overall, breezy and not bad. Considering. Blogging in the backyard again. Outside has become a habit, a quiet influence over a mental-screaming exasperation for our dour-looking…

T-Rump Says Everything is Going to be Great: ‘I feel it’

April 30, 2020

Sunny and breezy a few minutes past the Thursday noon hour here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad and nowhere like the last couple of days, the cool wind helps, I’m sure —…