Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Italian Doctors Fighting Coronavirus Warns — ‘We wish to convey a strong message: Get ready!’

March 10, 2020

Although the irony is absolutely lost, the T-Rump claiming Joe Biden ‘“doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing” ‘ is way-remarkable in the context of the reality actually infused in our so-called president.…

Tropical Forests Losing Ability to be ‘Carbon Sinks’ — New Research

March 4, 2020

(Illustration found at National Geographic). A new climate report that’s more than a little ominous — the Guardian this afternoon: Tropical forests are taking up less carbon dioxide from the air, reducing their ability to…

COVID-19 Just A ‘Hoax of the Day’

February 28, 2020

Health issues continue to dominate as a second victim of the coronavirus’ dreaded ‘community spread’ route of the pathogen’s expansion, where cases have no known origin, has been discovered here in California. First case reported…

Methane Sucks for the T-Rump

February 20, 2020

A major environmental report largely ignored  — methane is an air bitch: from ScienceAlert yesterday on a new study published in Nature: Methane is an ‘invisible climate menace’ — roughly 30 times more potent as a…